Sunday, October 23, 2011

Bungee Jumping

About four days before I went skydiving, I went bungee jumping. It was absolutely terrifying! When you watch the video, you'll notice they did the countdown and I didn't jump. Yeah, I told you it was terrifying At the last minute, I told them that I wasn't brave enough to jump. The workers laughed at me and said the hardest part was the climb up (which was also terrifying) and that the jump would be over before I know it. To get to the top, I had to climb this fragile ladder which felt like it was going to break at any second. I was one pound over the minimum weight so I honestly have no idea how people closer to the maximum weight do it. There was duct tape holding parts of the ladder together. So there I was, after having someone put this thin velcro band around my ankles, staring at this lake that I was about to get dunked into. I was trying to overcome my fear of heights and moments later I did. As you're falling, you feel the inside of your stomach move towards your throat. Before you know it, you're under water and then suddenly you're flying. Unfortunately, bungee jumping is short. I felt like it only lasted about ten seconds. Yet, I did get a neat certificate which told me that I defied all rationality and logic. As a philosophy graduate, I think that says a lot!

If any of you would like to see a video, let me know. I didn't upload it because there is swearing in the background, which may offend some.

1 comment:

Shaun M said...

You are nuts! I could never do that!