Hi, I'm Nicole Martins Ferreira! I'm an ambitious student who constantly wants to explore, learn something new and express my creativity.
I'm extremely passionate about extreme sports. I have been skydiving, bungee jumping, mountain biking, rock climbing, snowboarding, etc. I think it's important to challenge yourself, face your fears and take risks. Before any major risk though, I always do a lot of research. It's important to have all of the facts before making a huge decision.
I love baking, running, and learning about business ethics. I also love trying new things and uncovering new interests. I'm always interested in going on an adventure!
I also really love going to conferences. I have been to a wide-range of them: social media, advertising, bioethics and leadership. I absolutely love learning new things.
Since I have started university, I have always been involved in student government. I've developed leadership skills, learned how to do creative writing, and implemented new initiatives. Being involved in my community is one of my greatest passions.
On June 13th, 2011 I graduated from McMaster University with a Combined Honours degree in Philosophy and Religious Studies. It allowed me to express my creativity, learn about things from different perspectives, and develop my writing skills. I learned to be analytical and problem solve effectively. McMaster University was an incredible school because it celebrated diversity and made me develop a great respect for people of different backgrounds-- everyone.
I'm currently enrolled in a Public Relations program at Mohawk College. I have over a 90% average. I'm in the program because it combines many of my interests-- writing, advertising, corporate social responsibility, public speaking and problem-solving. I love writing. Last semester, I received a 98% in my Public Relations Writing class.
I worked at McMaster University for three years doing data entry and events and marketing work. My boss loved to challenge me, which I always appreciated. I used to have a fear of public speaking so one time she asked me to do a short presentation-- in front of 700 people! I was terrified at the time but now I love public speaking. When I worked as Vice-President Communications of the Inter-Residence Council I coordinated a delegation for a conference, created promotional material, updated social media Web sites and had meetings with various external partners. That year I won the Ontario Communications Coordinator of the Year from the Ontario Residence Hall Association.
I created a video of where I see myself in the next 1, 3, 5 and 10 years.